Opposite of established and not likely to experience any changes
Opposite of having exact and discernible limits or form
Opposite of firmly implanted or established in thought or behavior and difficult to change
Opposite of of root, too deep to remove
Opposite of traditionally, or generally, recognized and accepted
“One must be wary of the quack doctor who treats his patients using unfamiliar techniques.”
Opposite of firmly established and difficult or unlikely to change
Opposite of long-established and unlikely to change
Opposite of having been arranged, decided, or agreed on in advance
Opposite of unable to be retracted or reversed
Opposite of of the most normal, frequent, or regular type
Opposite of having no uncertainty or ambiguity
Opposite of established and not likely to experience any changes
“Under flexible rates, central banks need not use interest rates to preserve an exchange-rate peg.”
Opposite of having the approval or authorization of an authority or public body
(of a time or place) Opposite of decided on beforehand
(attributive) Opposite of feeling or exuding self-assurance
“They were insecure young men, who were led astray by a charismatic self-proclaimed prophet.”
(of a person) Opposite of sensible, reliable, and self-restrained
Opposite of denotes a termination of something or an action
“He noted to the King, that this was only the initial part of the war.”
Opposite of finished, having reached an end or conclusion
“Pritchard was in no mood to deal with the unfinished construction of the new bridge.”
Opposite of not open to question or debate
Opposite of showing resolute determination and strength of character
“After previous outrages, we had been irresolute and appeared unwilling to defend ourselves.”
Opposite of having inhabitants or a population of people
Opposite of being such by habit, long-established, and not likely to change
Opposite of clearly expressed or identified
“Too many unstated rules in the dating space have demoralized my quest for love.”
Opposite of certain to happen
“Failure is avoidable if you take the necessary precautions.”
Opposite of fated or inevitable (that something happens or is the case)
Opposite of finished or having been brought to an end
“The work was incomplete at the time of his death but it is still a work of the greatest significance in the theory of probability.”
Opposite of able to be depended or relied on
“Peter is an unreliable worker, and cannot be depended on to work autonomously from the team.”
Opposite of approved or agreed upon
“A reseller has the right to contest a denied deal.”
Opposite of having resolved differences or adapted to a situation
Opposite of having emotional or mental peace or calmness
Opposite of rigidly established, not subject to being changed or challenged
“You found that your constructs were succored with flexible rules that guided behavior, rules that gave individuals the opportunity to follow them voluntarily.”
Opposite of exhibiting passion and enthusiasm
“The author's works were mediocre and could only attract an apathetic readership.”
(also used in adverb or preposition form) Opposite of finished or having been brought to an end
“Good health and peace of mind are crucial to my ongoing happiness.”
Opposite of located in a hole, space, or opening
Opposite of attentively occupied with
Opposite of not physically able to be moved
Opposite of advanced or mature in development
“Our new player is very athletic, but her skills are still very raw and undeveloped.”
(of a sailing ship) Opposite of unable to move due to a lack of wind
Opposite of known but specified in a general and nonexplicit sense
“He left seeking yet another unrecognized area of research.”
(of a body of water) Opposite of placid and undisturbed
“On that fateful morning, there was a cool breeze blowing across the bay and the water was choppy and chilly.”
Opposite of living somewhere on a long-term basis
Opposite of well organized or arranged
Opposite of to have demonstrated to be true based on facts
“Steven's defense disproved the evidence brought forward by the prosecutors.”
Opposite of to have carried out an action to the end
“I abandoned my search for the perfect wife.”
Opposite of past tense for to resolve or find a solution to
Opposite of past tense for to reach a decision or agreement about
Opposite of past tense for to provide comfort or assuagement to
Opposite of past tense for to come to rest, especially after descending from the air
Opposite of past tense for to make one's permanent home somewhere
Opposite of past tense for to move with a group of others to live in a new country or area
Opposite of past tense for to sit or come to rest in a comfortable position
(of suspended particles) Opposite of past tense for to sink slowly in a liquid to form sediment
Opposite of an expression of agreement
“Fat chance! I'm not going to stand in the same room with someone who just destroyed me.”
Related Words and Phrases