Opposite of irritated or angered by something unwanted or disliked
Opposite of feeling annoyed, frustrated or worried about something
Opposite of feeling upset, annoyed or angry
Opposite of in a state of anger or exasperation after being subjected to provocation
Opposite of characterized a sullen or forbidding appearance or mood
“Joy would engulf him when he learned of what had transpired, and his cheerful countenance would reflect his happiness.”
Opposite of to have intensified
“The rain lessened, becoming a fine drizzle as opposed to a downpour.”
Opposite of to have triggered a passionate feeling or reaction
“Harper was worked up at having lost her favorite doll, but her mother calmed her.”
Opposite of to have thrown into a state of distress marked by confusion
“Homer was initially upset at his tiny plate at the seafood buffet, but grabbing the entire steam tray buoyed him.”
Opposite of past tense for to make worse or more severe
“This strap helps alleviate the pain and discomfort of Achilles tendonitis, an ailment common among basketball players.”
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