Opposite of continuing stubbornly in an opinion or course of action in spite of challenges
“I will be disappointed only if I prove irresolute in my commitment to try.”
Opposite of continuing to exist or occur over a prolonged period
“In the darkness of the bedroom that night, the street was quiet, except for the intermittent noises coming from the small zoo across the street.”
Opposite of having or displaying resolve
“I have my doubts that you are going to succeed because you seem like a very weak-willed person.”
Opposite of remaining constant or in an unvarying state
Opposite of never relaxing or slackening
Opposite of having or showing determination or resolve
Opposite of extremely persistent and untiring
Opposite of persistent in one's endeavors
Opposite of stubbornly, and usually unreasonably, holding to an opinion, decision or purpose
Opposite of unable to be disputed or questioned
Opposite of persisting for an extended period of time
Opposite of happening regularly, time after time
Opposite of persisting for a long time or constantly recurring
Opposite of unable to be changed without exception
Opposite of being such by habit, long-established, and not likely to change
Opposite of indefatigable, untiring and not yielding to fatigue
Opposite of occurring regularly or recurrently
Opposite of having existed for a long time
Opposite of without any reduction in intensity or strength
Opposite of unceasingly intense in nature
Opposite of having or showing a resolute, unyielding spirit
“Thiem appeared to forget the rules of the game and only put in a half-hearted effort to return Zverev's stroke.”
Opposite of passionately motivated to achieve one's goals
“Steven was mostly apathetic when it came to working towards his stated goals.”
Opposite of refusing to change one's position, attitude or opinion
“Ian was very giving in sharing his toys with his best friend, Sarah.”
Opposite of determined or rigorous in one's application towards a goal or aim
Opposite of having or demonstrating an unwavering devotion toward someone or something
“I'm pretty fickle when it comes to supporting my country during the Olympics.”
Opposite of not able to be cured
Opposite of persistently or continuous in nature, especially of something unpleasant
(of a person) Opposite of tending to work with diligence and commitment
“They may see themselves as stupid or lazy, rather than as capable in some areas and struggling in others.”
Related Words and Phrases