Opposite of in an obstinate manner
Opposite of with determination and resolution
Opposite of in a steadfast manner, without wavering
Opposite of always, in a consistent manner
“We would sometimes have cake if it happened to be a special occasion.”
Opposite of in a consistent manner
“The survey found that 80 per cent of websites perform inconsistently, with widely varying response times, timeouts and errors.”
Opposite of actively, or with great endeavor or resolve
Opposite of in an energetic of intense manner
Opposite of in an insistent manner
(again and again) Opposite of done several times in repetition
“It will only ever happen once in this lifetime, and you will know the difference from every other soul connection you have ever encountered.”
Opposite of in an unwavering or steadfast manner
“The senator began having doubts and would only hold loosely to his once core principles.”
Opposite of adverb for continuing stubbornly in an opinion or course of action in spite of challenges
“I will be disappointed only if I prove irresolute in my commitment to try.”
Related Words and Phrases