Opposite of ostensibly lacking any coherent system or order
Opposite of unsupported or unjustifiable by sound logic, standards or judgment
Opposite of suggestive or typical of a despot or tyrant
Opposite of exercising power in a cruel or arbitrary way
Opposite of overbearing, dictatorial or authoritarian
Opposite of done, or behaving, in a brusquely imperious or authoritarian way
Opposite of having a tendency to inflict suffering and pain on others
Opposite of having unpredictable outcomes
“The results of these tests should be largely predictable unless something goes wrong.”
Opposite of given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood, thinking or behavior
“A creole language is a stable natural language developed from a mixture of different languages.”
Opposite of arbitrary in nature
“He does his best to combat stereotyping and present a balanced, analytical account.”
Opposite of playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an appealing and amusing way
Opposite of happening by chance rather than intention
Opposite of left to personal choice
“We have made it compulsory for first-year students to attend classes twice a week in the lab.”
Opposite of strictly imposing or enforcing a rule or method
(law) Opposite of performed speedily and without formal ceremony
“Dismantling such structures has proved difficult, and the process of economic reform has often been tentative, dilatory, and slow.”
Opposite of very severe, oppressive, or strict
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