Opposite of having been firmly established and typically not subject to change
(of a time or place) Opposite of decided on beforehand
Opposite of having been arranged, decided, or agreed on in advance
Opposite of clearly expressed or identified
“Too many unstated rules in the dating space have demoralized my quest for love.”
Opposite of having exact and discernible limits or form
Opposite of clearly defined or identified
“This room has no specific purpose and is just for general use.”
Opposite of fixed or arranged in advance
“They may trap you for several years on a variable rate which could prove expensive in the long run.”
(especially of a price, rate, or time) Opposite of having been firmly established and typically not subject to change
“Meal times are flexible and there is a choice of menus to ensure people's dietary and religious food needs are followed.”
(individual) Not explicitly named but specified indeterminately
“A certain lady that you know was seen making a purchase that might surprise you.”
Opposite of necessary or intended
“Everything seems to fit together perfectly, and one doesn't catch any extra or superfluous notes.”
Opposite of specifically identified to the exclusion of anything else
“My five-in-one pressure cooker enables me to cook in multiple ways.”
Opposite of to have established or stipulated as a previous condition
“The contract was rigid and prevented any deviations from the stipulated conditions of sale.”
Opposite of to have provided a listener or reader with information
“The weather-beaten sign was illegible concealed how much further we had to travel.”
Opposite of to have come to a judgment
“Because of your erratic results, the boss wavered when he was deciding on what your pay increase should have been.”
Opposite of past tense for to state explicitly
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