Opposite of in a state of anger or exasperation after being subjected to provocation
Opposite of feeling annoyed, frustrated or worried about something
Opposite of experiencing a feeling of anger or annoyance
Opposite of full of anger or hatred
“Their mother was at the center of their world and her warm loving nature provided a sense of security despite the lack of a father.”
(led to) Opposite of to have culminated or resulted in a particular event or consequence
“Eating the right foods and getting enough exercise prevented me from gaining weight.”
Opposite of to have caused a response after a particular event
“Forcing our staff to speed-read irrelevant emails eventually demotivated and exhausted them.”
Opposite of to have triggered a passionate feeling or reaction
“Harper was worked up at having lost her favorite doll, but her mother calmed her.”
Opposite of past tense for to deliberately make (someone) annoyed or angry
“She then gave me a cute, shy little smile, completely unaware that her doing that alone was enough to mollify me.”
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