Opposite of treating people equally without favoritism or discrimination
“If there was even a hint that the judge might be biased, I'd certainly be unhappy about it.”
Opposite of considerable though not outstanding in size or amount
“The guests appear to be disgruntled after having an insufficient amount to eat and drink this evening.”
Opposite of young and beautiful
“She felt unpretty and insecure for the best part of her childhood, but that all changed during her adolescent years.”
Opposite of cloudless and sunny
“Beneath the cloudy sky, the green and blue shade cast by the giant trees fell in a mottled pattern on the forest floor.”
Opposite of performed according to the rules
“Throughout the tournament, our team was often criticized for perceived unsportsmanlike behavior.”
Opposite of justified by accepted standards of right and wrong
“Criticism of his performance was unjustified given his inexperience.”
Opposite of to an absolute degree
“The detectives had limited authority to execute a search without a legal warrant.”
(of hair) Opposite of of a bleached or pale golden (light yellowish) color
“He had a penchant for dating women with brunette hair.”
Opposite of light-complexioned
“She wore a matching pearl necklace and had a dark complexion with bright brown eyes.”
Opposite of inspiring or feeling hope and optimism
“Unfortunately, I think your chances of ever returning home is looking rather bleak, Dorothy.”
Opposite of in one's favor
“Our trek to the summit will not be helped by the unfavorable weather and conditions.”
Opposite of free from stain (literally or figuratively)
“After a string of controversial accusations leveled against him, he has to work hard to clean up his tarnished reputation.”
Opposite of moderate or average in size, amount, or rank
Opposite of to a complete or absolute degree
Opposite of to an absolute or complete degree
Opposite of having no conditions or limitations
Opposite of attractive or appealing in a fresh, innocent way
Opposite of of a satisfactory or acceptable quality
Opposite of having a valid reason
Opposite of allowed or permitted according to the rules or laws
(of colours) Opposite of having a restrained or non-vibrant quality
“The forest was warm as summer and abloom with an abundance of colorful flowers.”
(British, of prices) Opposite of extremely low in price as to be competitive
“I would love to expand our agenda in our itinerary but our budget just won't afford us those experiences with exorbitant prices!”
Opposite of accurate or correct in all details
“Did you feel in the storytelling there were any particularly glaring omissions or otherwise historically inaccurate stuff?”
Opposite of having a pale or sickly color or complexion, especially of one's skin tone
“She had a florid complexion and the strangest burgundy colored hair.”
Opposite of large enough to be estimated
Opposite of tolerably acceptable in standard
“Our customers know they can depend on us to maximize their resources and deliver a superior level of support.”
Average in amount, intensity, quality, or degree
“On a moderate level of intensity, such feelings would amount to what is usually categorized as cheerfulness.”
Opposite of denotes kindness and generosity
“It is possible that you are antisocial, misanthropic, or in need of a good shrink.”
Opposite of in accordance to the rules or law
“The officials caught wind of him fighting dirty to come up trumps against his opponent.”
Opposite of to a great or extreme extent or degree
Opposite of in a manner which leaves little question
Opposite of almost to the same level, amount or degree
Opposite of a visually striking show or performance
Related Words and Phrases