Opposite of extremely or frighteningly bad or serious
“Mark sustained a minor injury to his arm as he was attempting to catch a high ball.”
Opposite of extremely unpleasant or disagreeable
“She thanked her date for a delightful evening at the opera.”
Opposite of of low or mediocre quality
“A good wine is often qualified by its smell, balance, depth, and finish.”
Opposite of used to emphasize the extent of something unpleasant or bad
“Many believed he would make an excellent manager after his latest promotion.”
Opposite of very unwell or troubled
“I will return to work once I am well.”
Opposite of intolerable in nature
“The slight bruise on my knee isn't enough to deter me from finishing the game.”
Opposite of causing pain or hurt feelings
“Courtney is a kind person who has performed many wonderful deeds for the elderly.”
Opposite of having a sense of guilt
“He is untroubled by any spurious allegations leveled against him.”
Opposite of causing offense or disgust
Opposite of causing or inspiring fear, dread or alarm
Opposite of characterized by shame, ignominy or dishonor
Opposite of repulsive or not aesthetically pleasant
“He looked attractive in pajama bottoms and that white, washed-out shirt.”
Opposite of thorough, to a great degree, with intensity
Opposite of significant or extreme in degree or intensity
Opposite of having the feeling that one is about to vomit
Opposite of evil, fiendish, devilish or diabolical
Related Words and Phrases