Opposite of inspiring, or deserving of, respect and admiration
Opposite of exceeding others in rank, status, quality or importance
Opposite of famous or widely praised
Opposite of renowned and recognized in a given field or domain
Opposite of important, prominent, or held in high esteem
Opposite of noble, venerable, majestic, or awe-inspiring
Opposite of designed for customers with a high income
Opposite of worthy of respect or admiration
“His application to business was proverbial, though his attention to accounts is often held against him as unworthy of a monarch.”
Opposite of typical of or belonging to the upper class
“He was able to mix as easily with presidents and prime ministers as with the common man.”
Opposite of important or well publicized
Opposite of upstanding, especially law-abiding
“Criminals are some of the most degenerate human beings on our planet.”
Opposite of having influence or power
“The errand boy was an insignificant person, mostly unrecognized by those around him.”
Opposite of respected, having received honor
“Desperate for answers, she turns to a disgraced doctor who practices hypnotism.”
Opposite of full of, or suggestive of, glamour
“She meets the Rinpoche, who illuminates and exalts her small and insignificant life.”
Related Words and Phrases