Opposite of dull or uninspiring, arousing little or no interest
“Jonathan was an interesting man who didn't always drink beer, but when he did, he drank Dos Equis.”
Opposite of tediously long or time-consuming
“The movie was fast-paced and thoroughly entertaining from start to finish.”
Opposite of unoriginal in nature
“It was a great conference. The ideas presented were all so original.”
Opposite of common, having no unique or outstanding characteristics
Opposite of lacking strong features or characteristics and therefore uninteresting
Opposite of failing to impress or interest
Opposite of bland or lacking in flavor
Opposite of using, or expressed in, an excessive amount of words
Opposite of lacking in interest, excitement or meaning
Opposite of lacking energy, liveliness or animation
“Thanks to the many people for helping me through the bureaucratic labyrinths, introducing me to interesting people, and making my stay in this bustling city pleasant and enjoyable.”
Opposite of empty of meaning or value
“Personally, it was important for me to have meaningful reasons for wanting to change.”
Opposite of contemptibly dull and ordinary
Opposite of protracted, extending for a great period of time
Opposite of somber or sedate in nature
Opposite of existing in or as part of a tradition
Opposite of containing or characterized by repetition
Opposite of not offering, involving, or eager for new or stimulating things
Opposite of old-fashioned or boringly conventional
“One may have wondered as the lissom ladies gracefully showcased their trendy jewelry.”
Opposite of to be inspiring boredom
“It was clear that Donna's impassioned speech was inspiring the thousands who had attended her gathering.”
Opposite of to be making a hole
“You can prevent leakage by sealing the holes.”
Opposite of the action or process of piercing something
Related Words and Phrases