Opposite of filled, crowded, or well-supplied with something
Opposite of crowded or filled with people or things
Opposite of overfilled or overcrowded to the point of being clogged or blocked
Opposite of many or numerous in amount
(of countryside) Opposite of green with grass or other rich vegetation
Opposite of densely filled or covered with
“When you distribute the crumbs over the bake, ensure it is dispersed.”
Opposite of flowing heavily or in large quantities
Opposite of crowded or packed with people or things
Opposite of tending to flow freely, such as of a liquid
Opposite of having, or characterized by, frequent or heavy rainfall
“Some animals burrow to avoid the hot and dry climate of the desert.”
(of a place or atmosphere) Opposite of full of life, spirit, energy, or movement
“It was seven in the morning in the sleepy town where time floated like a blanket of clouds in the sky.”
Opposite of present participle for to teem, or be overrun or overflowing with
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