Opposite of of ominous significance, or portending of such
Opposite of overly bombastic or grandiloquent in speech or expression
Opposite of remarkable or amazing, typically in a good way
Opposite of affectedly grand or pretentious in manner or behavior
Opposite of having significant or far-reaching consequences or implications
Opposite of having or showing impressive beauty or scale
Opposite of not favorable or auspicious
“None of these offers an auspicious precedent or any clear parallel for introducing a flat tax to a mature economy.”
Opposite of of a serious or sedate nature or consequence
“Listening to his intonation as he discusses his films, it's hard to tell if he's being facetious or if he's dead serious about what he's saying.”
Opposite of formal and dignified in nature
“The meeting was very informal and the girls were able to bombard Claudie with questions on what life is like as an astronaut.”
(archaic) Opposite of inspiring reverential wonder
“The building is a refreshing place of hope amid the uninspiring concrete and nondescript buildings found in the city.”
Related Words and Phrases