Opposite of worthy of being believed or accepted as true
Opposite of trustworthy or honest in nature
Opposite of reasonable and convincing
Opposite of justifiable, well-maintained, or able to be defended
Opposite of of, characterized by, or consisting of (incontrovertible) facts
“The proposal submitted to the board was not accepted with a number of questionable recommendations to be interrogated.”
Opposite of true to the facts or the original
Opposite of based on, or displaying, common sense
“Of course, the moment I got there it was clear that all my concerns were completely groundless.”
Opposite of real and exactly what it appears to be
“We were surprised at the amount of fake merchandise available for sale.”
Opposite of appearing to be valid
“With everything pointing to the long haul, the actual results might be difficult to ascertain.”
Opposite of legally binding due to having been executed in compliance with the law
“He's been detained in Japan since mid-July, when he was nabbed for traveling with an invalid passport.”
Opposite of accurate, authentic or authoritative in nature
“Uninformed investors need to rely on the noise and for this reason, they may react immediately to fallacious information or react to actual information with a delay.”
Opposite of serving as conclusive evidence of something
Opposite of concerned with what is actually the case (based on facts)
“The Curmudgeon is a satirical column based on fictitious characters in a mythical village.”
Opposite of clear in meaning without uncertainty or ambiguity
Opposite of sincere, genuine, and in good faith
Opposite of convincing or compelling in nature
Related Words and Phrases