Opposite of having the power to produce a required effect
“The snake oil sold to me was ineffective in relieving my pain.”
Opposite of having a persuasive effect
“The speaker's words were highly uncompelling in motivating the crowd to take action.”
Opposite of in effect at the specified time
“The ban on flammable liquids will be rolled back next Monday.”
Opposite of existing as fact without formal acknowledgment
“It was a hypothetical scenario and a figment of her imagination.”
Opposite of describing someone who is highly useful or skilled at a particular task
“He was a highly incompetent programmer devoid of analytical skills.”
Opposite of being in a healthy and functional state
“His faculties were still ailing after having endured multiple concussions during his sporting career.”
(of a system) Opposite of capable of maximizing productivity at no expense of extra resources
“Procedures that were set up to expose and correct dishonesty were themselves blocked or shown to be inefficient.”
Opposite of appropriate or suitable in the circumstances
Opposite of existing in reality or as a matter of fact
“The premise that this was built by aliens is highly conjectural!”
Opposite of still currently functioning or in operation
Opposite of firm, strong, or substantial
“From years of decay, the columns holding the structure together appear to be fragile.”
Opposite of denotes the effectiveness or dominance of a particular action
“Leaders who do not look after the interests of their followers are not only unethical but ineffective.”
Opposite of always successful, not likely to fail
Opposite of convincing or compelling in nature
Opposite of incapable of going wrong or being misused
Opposite of grand and impressive in appearance
Opposite of having or showing the ability to speak fluently and coherently
“Howard tried to speak but all that came out was an inarticulate, squeaky gargle.”
Opposite of vigorous and energetic, especially in the pursuit of one's goals or ambitions
Opposite of cleverly simple and clear
“It was a bit of a messy explanation, but it helped soften some of the unintentional bite that came with the character.”
Opposite of based on, or displaying, common sense
“Of course, the moment I got there it was clear that all my concerns were completely groundless.”
Opposite of vigorously keen or severe in expression or style
Opposite of capable of reducing the time needed to perform a task
Opposite of almost or nearly as described, but not completely or according to strict definition
Opposite of concise and meaningful
Opposite of certain to happen
“Failure is avoidable if you take the necessary precautions.”
Opposite of advantageous, or providing benefit
“Not properly disposing of plastics can be detrimental to the environment.”
Opposite of legally binding due to having been executed in compliance with the law
“He's been detained in Japan since mid-July, when he was nabbed for traveling with an invalid passport.”
Opposite of offering or producing the greatest advantage
“The worst thing you can do right now is to do nothing.”
Related Words and Phrases