Opposite of feeling or causing despair
“When I heard the helicopters above, I was optimistic about our chances of being found.”
Opposite of feeling deeply pessimistic about the future
“People tend to spend money when they're feeling confident about the future.”
Opposite of not capable of being redeemed
“Now, I know it's just a character, but I could not find anything redeemable in him as a human being.”
Opposite of very bad or incompetent
“Although he was an accomplished guitarist, Chediak entered the world of music as a publisher of music.”
Opposite of incapable of being realized, achieved or solved
“Don't set unrealistic targets and ensure that your goals are achievable.”
Opposite of without hope of having a positive result
“This young boy is a delightful apprentice, and he will have a promising future.”
Opposite of not producing any significant or desired effect
Opposite of tending to cause great distress or anxiety
Opposite of very bad in quality or standard
Opposite of not up to the required standard or quality
“Although its taste is barely acceptable, these meager rations were all the station dared supply.”
Opposite of extremely bad in standard or quality
Opposite of impossible to achieve or realize
Opposite of so appalling or contemptible that one almost feels sorry for it
Opposite of causing unhappiness or discomfort
“He looked forward to a comfortable life after retirement.”
Opposite of incapable of being passed over, surmounted, or overcome
(of a situation) Opposite of dangerously insecure or unstable
“After a panicky few minutes, her cardiac status is now stable.”
Opposite of incapable of being helped
(of a faculty or part of the body) Opposite of reduced in quality or efficacy
“Owls are known for having powerful vision used for hunting prey.”
Related Words and Phrases