Opposite of causing laughter and providing entertainment
Opposite of treating serious issues with inappropriate humor
“I was being sincere when I accepted your challenge to a boxing match.”
Opposite of pleasing to the mind or senses
“Blueberries lose it completely, developing an actively unpleasant, tinny taste that even mountains of sugar can't mask.”
Opposite of experiencing a feeling of positivity, satisfaction, or enjoyment
“We are feeling sad and upset about the recent tragic events which have unfolded.”
Opposite of funny or amusing in a slightly odd or peculiar way
(informal) Opposite of done for a non-work related purpose
“He went on a work-related trip to meet with some clients.”
(rare) Opposite of instigating the curiosity or attention of someone
“I am sure the new Star Wars movie will be boring Robert who dislikes science fiction.”
Related Words and Phrases