Opposite of arousing revulsion or disgust
Opposite of very disgusting or unpleasant, especially to the senses
Opposite of offering no means of relaxation and pleasure
Opposite of unpalatable to taste
“You will also love the honey mousse and the tasty kissel made with sweetened cranberries.”
Opposite of drab or dull, especially in an impersonal way
Opposite of arousing contempt or strong indignation
“There are several other instances of his generosity, which though less known, are equally commendable.”
Opposite of having an inhospitable atmosphere or nature
“I decided perhaps I should attempt my launch in a more hospitable environment, so I went to Montreal.”
Opposite of present participle for to invite someone somewhere
“We will now disinvite our neighbors over for lunch because they have proven themselves to be real jerks.”
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