Opposite of very good, especially to the point of being worthy of great respect or imitation
Opposite of serving as the ideal model or example for something
Opposite of morally beyond reproach, blame or guilt
Opposite of very excellent in quality or standard
Opposite of conducive to, or characterized by, moral well-being
Opposite of capable of being imitated or copied
Opposite of of or pertaining to an admonition
Opposite of superior in quality or caliber
“The quality of our latest product is of a poor standard and we cannot release it until it has been improved.”
Opposite of deserving of the highest esteem or admiration
“This story is sordid and shameful, and everyone who was involved in producing it should be ashamed of themselves.”
Opposite of being the most suitable
“The novel is designed for adolescent children but is unsuitable for kids in the younger age bracket.”
Opposite of being the only one of its kind, typically unique or special in some respect
“The artist used several generic techniques to create a highly typical painting.”
Opposite of famously and distinctively representative of its type
Opposite of displaying outstanding skill, knowledge, or experience in a given field
Opposite of noteworthy historically, or among one's peers
“He was just one of many unknown painters from the 19th century.”
Opposite of superseding others in importance or status
“His punches were weak and slow, and I can claim with confidence that he was the worst boxer that I had ever seen.”
Opposite of serving as a symbol of a particular quality or concept
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