Opposite of least good or favorable in comparison
Opposite of superlative for very disgusting, dirty or unpleasant
“Reading Robinson Crusoe gave me a firm conviction that I should be cast away on a beautiful island with a beach to kill for.”
Opposite of superlative for depicting or referring to vulgar matters in a way that is unacceptable in polite society
“Brian developed a clean stand-up comedy style appropriate for audiences of all ages.”
Opposite of superlative for unpleasant or spiteful in nature or demeanor
“He thought it was the noble thing to do when he helped the blind man across the road, and many applauded him for his actions.”
Opposite of superlative for very serious in nature
“What seemed like an innocuous situation could turn deadly at a moment's notice.”
Opposite of superlative for annoying or unwelcome
“The summer heat was oppressive, so any cool weather was a welcome change.”
Opposite of superlative for affected with, or causing, physical discomfort or pain
“Three months after the injury the boy presented with a painless swelling across the front of the hip which restricted flexion.”
(of the weather) Opposite of superlative for unpleasantly cold or wet
“As well as the marathon, there was a relay team race, a fun run, and a walk, all taking place in bright sunshine and warm weather.”
Opposite of superlative for requiring great skill or finesse in handling or treatment
“It has been a straightforward exercise thus far, but the hard part hasn't even begun.”
Opposite of superlative for causing worry, distress or anxiety
“A powerful, quiet presence brings a reassuring sense of order and peace to a coming relationship.”
Related Words and Phrases