Opposite of occurring or done many times at short intervals
“Crime is infrequent, although the capital area has seen a modest increase in burglaries.”
Opposite of very commonly encountered or observed
“This photo shows the complete 360-degree round primary fogbow, a rare sight in nature.”
Opposite of happening regularly, time after time
Opposite of never relaxing or slackening
Opposite of occurring regularly or recurrently
Opposite of continuing over a (usually extended) period of time
“The company's financial problems were just a temporary blip.”
Opposite of regular, even, and continuous in development, frequency, or intensity
“Most fishing is done from drift boats because fluctuating water levels can make wading dangerous.”
Opposite of not capable of being counted, enumerated, or numbered, hence, indefinitely numerous
Opposite of to be a regular patron or visitor of
“They then to avoid noisy places and spend their days soaking in stale water.”
Opposite of to visit or stay somewhere regularly or frequently
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