Opposite of directed or moving backward
Opposite of reverting to an earlier and inferior condition
Opposite of from, or reminiscent of, an earlier time or era
Opposite of reverting or progressing to a former and worse state
“They can start small, knowing that it will take progressive steps to truly master the behavior or skill.”
Opposite of towards a position behind or to the rear
“I watch him take a forward step, and I back myself into a corner with nowhere else to run.”
Opposite of depraved, perverted or extremely wrong in a moral sense
“A righteous person would never betray their best friend like that!”
Opposite of to decline or deteriorate in state (to an earlier and worse condition)
Opposite of to gradually decline in effectiveness or vigor, especially due to underuse or neglect
Opposite of to deteriorate or go into decline, especially physically
“The results of your blood tests show that your health is starting to improve.”
Opposite of to go or move back or further away from a previous position
Opposite of to take back or renege on an initial statement or stance
Opposite of to decline or deteriorate in state
“We must overcome our weaknesses in order to unlock our potential.”
Opposite of to prepare a summary of something
Opposite of to deteriorate in condition or quality
Opposite of towards a position further back
Related Words and Phrases