Opposite of providing a faithful representation of someone or something
“One immediate point about this passage is that it is a wildly inaccurate rendition of Cyprian's original.”
Opposite of in accordance with the truth, facts or standards
“Both involved persons in authority who used half-truths and recklessly false statements to manipulate people who trusted them.”
Opposite of extremely precise or accurate
“You can be fairly imprecise with your keywords and get good results.”
Opposite of accurate or correct in all details
Opposite of diligent in performing a process or procedure
Opposite of not capable of being denied, challenged, or disputed
Opposite of very pragmatic or realistic, lacking emotion or artificiality
Opposite of showing great attention to detail
Opposite of real or genuine, in accordance with the truth, facts or standards
“The illusory aim of this form of government is the equal distribution of wealth to its people.”
Opposite of exact in correspondence or adherence to something
“For the kids, the rules can probably be adhered to in a loose manner.”
Opposite of perfect, without flaw or error
Opposite of real and exactly what it appears to be
“We were surprised at the amount of fake merchandise available for sale.”
Opposite of extremely thorough, accurate and careful
“After a cursory examination, the Commission told the independents late in February that it was doing nothing.”
Opposite of done with or showing thought and attention
“Goldfinger met his doom because of his careless underestimation of Sansa Stark.”
(of one's senses) Opposite of sensitive or perceptive to changes
“Due to his age, little Gip may have weak eyes, but he still whips his tail into a frenzy when he sees me.”
Opposite of denotes a constructive or productive feeling
“As a result of their unproductive response, we were unable to attain the information required to proceed.”
Opposite of based on, or displaying, common sense
“Of course, the moment I got there it was clear that all my concerns were completely groundless.”
Opposite of showing clever resourcefulness in practical matters, sometimes with guile
“He beat me down on the price. He got a bargain from a naive schoolboy and I still resent him now for that.”
Opposite of having many details
“This is a fragment of real history mixed up with a vague account of a real island.”
Opposite of done in a systematic way, using experiments or tests
Opposite of competent or talented
“The amateur painter produces unrefined works of art that lack depth and finesse.”
Opposite of suited or acceptable to the purpose or circumstances
“Improper use of gym equipment can result in injury.”
Opposite of based on, or displaying, common sense
“Just as there are effective traditional medical practices based on groundless theories, there can be effective evolved educational practices with dubious theoretical backing.”
(of an action) Opposite of performed well and with precision
“The amateur chef would completely massacre the piece of salmon with his sloppy knife strokes.”
Opposite of prompt or on time
Opposite of necessary or intended
“Everything seems to fit together perfectly, and one doesn't catch any extra or superfluous notes.”
Related Words and Phrases