Opposite of to have made an estimate
“I confirmed that roughly half of the students here were in debt.”
Opposite of to have discerned from given information
“I believe you misconstrued his grandiose claims as nothing more than braggadocio.”
Opposite of to have expected
“I forgot that I was supposed to be at Bailey's audition.”
Opposite of past tense for to judge and form an opinion of the value of
“It is important to know the value of stamps before buying them.”
Opposite of past tense for to calculate roughly, especially for purposes of analysis
“To determine the effectiveness of the review process, we can measure the number of errors found during specification.”
Opposite of being an inexact or estimated number, value or figure
Opposite of being deemed or thought of to be true
Opposite of expected at or planned for at a certain time
Opposite of expected or projected to arrive or happen
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