Opposite of being easily influenced (especially of young people)
Opposite of easily deceived or duped
Opposite of easily influenced or directed
“Thus, criticizing young people and negatively stereotyping them as rebellious, met with strong aversion from the youth and children alike.”
Opposite of innocent or naive in nature
Opposite of having or arousing feelings of tenderness, sadness, or nostalgia, typically in an exaggerated and self-indulgent way
Opposite of willing to consider or accept new suggestions and ideas
Opposite of lacking the ability to resist the influence of other people or to control one's own impulses
(of a person) Opposite of easily influenced by feelings or emotions
“More importantly, being rich doesn't make them unsusceptible to problems every family faces.”
Opposite of characterized by a period of development or formation
Opposite of effusive and often emotional
Opposite of having or displaying an appreciation of the feelings of others
“Despite sharing a relatively sincere apology, she was generally indifferent to their personal struggles.”
Opposite of easily fooled or deceived
“After being exposed to many a shady character, I have naturally become a very wary person.”
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