Opposite of inflexible and not yielding
Opposite of stubbornly, and usually unreasonably, holding to an opinion, decision or purpose
Opposite of reserved, formal, or strict in one's behaviour or attitudes
Opposite of resolute and steadfast in one's will or ambition
Opposite of having a vigorous, independent will
Opposite of without pity or compassion
Opposite of unable to be changed without exception
Opposite of too powerful to be defeated or overcome
Opposite of lacking emotion or feeling
Opposite of very severe or serious
“Leaders hope that taking mild action today will dampen wage demands before they become significant.”
(of a person) Opposite of strictly conventional in one's manner or behavior
“She was elegant and bookish, while he was casual and endearingly laid-back.”
Opposite of passionately motivated to achieve one's goals
“Steven was mostly apathetic when it came to working towards his stated goals.”
Opposite of direct, straight, or unbending in shape or trajectory
Opposite of to a total, utter or complete degree
Opposite of present participle for to make or become straight from a bent or twisted form or position
Opposite of present participle for to relax or become less reserved, formal, or strict
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