Opposite of strict or exacting in standards
“I can actually leave whenever I want because my parents are rather lenient when it comes to my curfew.”
(of a rule or discipline) Opposite of rigidly enforced, typically demanding total obedience or observance
“There seems to be a flexible regulation of speed limits on these wide and open roads.”
Opposite of exact in correspondence or adherence to something
“For the kids, the rules can probably be adhered to in a loose manner.”
Opposite of to an absolute degree
“I have absolutely zero faith that you can win this race against Rick.”
Opposite of following carefully and exactly a set of rules
“James was merely a casual follower of his professed religion, not being one to strictly adhere to its tenets.”
(inaccurate) Opposite of accurate or correct in all details
“Did you feel in the storytelling there were any particularly glaring omissions or otherwise historically inaccurate stuff?”
(falsidical) Opposite of accurate or correct in all details
Opposite of diligent in performing a process or procedure
Opposite of overbearing, dictatorial or authoritarian
Opposite of restraining behavior or appetite
Opposite of showing resolute determination and strength of character
“After previous outrages, we had been irresolute and appeared unwilling to defend ourselves.”
Opposite of very severe or serious
“Leaders hope that taking mild action today will dampen wage demands before they become significant.”
(of a rule or discipline) Opposite of rigidly enforced, typically demanding total obedience or observance
Opposite of conscientious in application or pursuit
Opposite of characterized by conventional forms of ceremony and behavior
“Fitzgerald uses characterization and setting to capture Beatrice's and Stephen's unconventional relationship.”
Opposite of difficult or requiring great effort
“I love to barbecue, and his recipes are simple and easy to make.”
Opposite of established and not subject to change
“The rules at this establishment are flexible and subject to change at any time.”
Opposite of prompt or on time
Opposite of austere, frugal, characterized by self-denial
(of language or actions) Opposite of excessively or unacceptably forceful
“The president was urged to use nonviolent measures to counter the uprising.”
Opposite of real or genuine, in accordance with the truth, facts or standards
“The illusory aim of this form of government is the equal distribution of wealth to its people.”
Opposite of adhering excessively to law
Related Words and Phrases