Opposite of sensible or reasonable in a dispassionate manner
Opposite of showing self-restraint or abstemious moderation
(of climate or weather) Opposite of not aggressive or violent in nature
“A powerful storm is brewing.”
Opposite of restraining behavior or appetite
Opposite of having a considerate or kindly disposition
“He was a rough man who was prone to obscenities and bad behavior.”
Opposite of not easily upset or excited
Opposite of shy, extremely humble and modest
Opposite of tolerant of deviation
(of a person) Opposite of reserved in nature, keeping to oneself
“Our neighbor was a sociable man who always made an effort to get to know you.”
(of the weather) Opposite of summery in nature
“Animals instinctively know how to prepare for the wintry weather.”
Opposite of not influenced by strong emotion, and so able to be rational and impartial
“He gave a fiery speech, outlining his vision of a world in which towns and cities would be built to blend harmoniously with the environment.”
Opposite of not easily upset or excited
Opposite of having an easygoing and pleasing manner, especially in social situations
“Ryan is so rude, and would often make disrespectful gesticulations when provoked.”
Opposite of relaxed or leisurely
“We went away for a quick holiday but the kids made it rather stressful.”
Opposite of cloudless and sunny
“Beneath the cloudy sky, the green and blue shade cast by the giant trees fell in a mottled pattern on the forest floor.”
Opposite of the pleasantness of warm and sunny weather
“We had to cancel our date at the beach due to overcast weather.”
Opposite of not varying or fluctuating greatly
Opposite of marked by moderate behavior not given to excesses
“He unleashed on them a torrent of abuse that was unrestrained and unwarranted.”
Opposite of characterized by pleasant weather with moderate temperatures
“The plants and animals that live here are able to survive harsh sunlight, extreme temperatures, and little rainfall.”
Opposite of careful and prudent in one's speech or actions
Opposite of having sound or fair judgment based on good sense
“Arguments framed in terms of fear may easily be represented as irrational and therefore illegitimate in terms of political debate.”
Opposite of pleasant and amicable in nature
“The two hot-headed professors had a hostile debate about the reality and effects of climate change.”
Opposite of accommodating or permissive in nature
“No surprise then that writers so often prove such a stubborn, contrary lot.”
Opposite of having or showing a calm attitude towards disappointments or difficulties
(of weather) Opposite of pleasant or agreeable
“We can't go to the beach today due to the stormy weather.”
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