Opposite of slightly wet or affected with moisture
Opposite of lacking in enthusiasm
Opposite of soaked with moisture or other liquid
Opposite of characterized by windy or stormy conditions
Opposite of damp or wet, typically from perspiration
Opposite of having a stale, moldy, or damp smell
Opposite of depressingly dull and bleak or repetitive
Opposite of in low spirits from loss of hope or courage
Opposite of to be, or cause to be, slightly wet
Opposite of to deprive of emotional or intellectual life, energy or vitality
Opposite of to decrease in feeling, strength or intensity
Opposite of to diminish the confidence or courage of
Opposite of to make moist or moister
Opposite of to relieve or alleviate (a demand, desire or feeling)
“More than that, he needs good teaching and a curriculum that does not aggravate his frustrations but helps him to overcome them.”
Opposite of to be, or cause to be, thoroughly wet or waterlogged
Opposite of to discourage someone by removing their enthusiasm or courage
Opposite of to overcome or bring under control
Opposite of to decrease in feeling or strength
“These games helped Lye to sharpen his senses and his memory and later they would make him an extraordinary film-maker and editor, with the ability to remember long sequences of movements.”
Opposite of to keep under control, especially something that is increasing in intensity or extremity
“He is the latest candidate to unleash his anger with raw and emotional language.”
Opposite of moisture diffused through the air or a solid substance, or condensed on a surface
Opposite of rainy weather
“What a glorious day to spend outdoors and enjoy the sun.”
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