Opposite of a person's temperament or state of mind, especially in terms of their being angry or calm
Opposite of an angry state of mind, or the expression of such
Opposite of the feeling of anger or resentment
Opposite of a mental state of calm and self-control
Opposite of one nature, especially in terms of how it affects their behavior
Opposite of the general character or nature of someone or something
Opposite of a period of sulking
Opposite of the capacity of people to maintain belief in an institution or a goal, or even in oneself and others
Opposite of the state or quality of being sulky
Opposite of a temporary state of mind, feeling or emotion
“I just don't think I can continue to live in a place that embraces and nurtures apathy as if it was a virtue.”
Opposite of bitterness, harshness or anger in one's feeling or expression
Opposite of the basic or inherent features, character, or qualities of something
“On the outside, everything appeared to be normal, but the reality was far from conventional.”
Opposite of the combination of characteristics or qualities forming one's distinctive character
Opposite of an impression of a quality or manner given by someone or something
“Too often, especially in qualitative proposals, there is an absence of logic regarding sampling.”
Opposite of the innate or essential qualities or character of a person or animal
“The experience would teach her many valuable lessons about life.”
Opposite of to modify so as to make less extreme or more acceptable
Opposite of to physically harden a substance or material, typically using a chemical process
Opposite of to diminish in intensity or severity, especially gradually
Opposite of to decrease in strength or intensity
Opposite of to regulate the speed or amount of something given or administered
“Do not rush the amount of information that you provide to the learner at any one time.”
Opposite of to keep under control, especially something that is increasing in intensity or extremity
“He is the latest candidate to unleash his anger with raw and emotional language.”
Opposite of to decrease in amount or degree
“It would be hazardous for your health if you increase the number of cigarettes you smoke daily.”
Opposite of to keep from exceeding a desirable degree or level
Opposite of to strengthen or toughen a material by heat treatment
“Annealing is required to soften the steel and eliminate strains from forging.”
Opposite of to cause someone to become accustomed or desensitized to something (usually) unpleasant
Opposite of to make something into something else
“I chose to preserve the design of the website as it was still effective.”
Opposite of to allay a situation that has escalated
“The police would no doubt argue that provocative goal celebrations could incite crowd trouble.”
Opposite of to restrain or moderate one's actions, avoiding excess, stinting or tempering
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