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What is the opposite of stringent?

Need antonyms for stringent? Here's a list of opposite words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.

Opposite of making strict requirements
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Opposite of not easy to please or satisfy
“She decided to stick with her job because she liked her agreeable boss.”
Opposite of difficult to carry out or fulfill
(of a tax or other charge) Opposite of extremely high, harsh or severe
“Any income from sources within the U.S. earned by the branch may incur a low tax liability or may not incur any tax liability at all.”
Opposite of able to persuade or convince
Opposite of strict or harsh in the treatment of others
“His reaction was surprising, given he is usually a gentle and mild-mannered boy.”
Opposite of established and not subject to change
“The rules at this establishment are flexible and subject to change at any time.”
Opposite of comprehensive and far-reaching in nature
“Given the functions and the scripts introduced previously, you only need to make minor changes to the code to implement these steps.”
(of language or actions) Opposite of excessively or unacceptably forceful
“The president was urged to use nonviolent measures to counter the uprising.”
Opposite of severe and difficult to cope with
“Employees continue to praise the positive working environment fostered by the company.”
Opposite of austere, frugal, characterized by self-denial
Opposite of competent or talented
“The amateur painter produces unrefined works of art that lack depth and finesse.”
Opposite of having or showing passion in the pursuit of a goal
“He is good with the kids, but too unambitious to make anything of his life.”
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