Opposite of steadfast or staying committed despite any difficulty
Opposite of having or displaying resolve
“I have my doubts that you are going to succeed because you seem like a very weak-willed person.”
Opposite of stubbornly, and usually unreasonably, holding to an opinion, decision or purpose
Opposite of extremely persistent and untiring
Opposite of showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks
Opposite of not yielding in severity, strength or determination
Opposite of too powerful to be defeated or overcome
Opposite of not easy to please or satisfy
“She decided to stick with her job because she liked her agreeable boss.”
Opposite of showing resolute determination and strength of character
“After previous outrages, we had been irresolute and appeared unwilling to defend ourselves.”
Opposite of refusing to change one's position, attitude or opinion
“Ian was very giving in sharing his toys with his best friend, Sarah.”
Opposite of incapable of being subdued or overcome
“At times, she is combative, at times submissive, according to the situation and her state of mind.”
Opposite of having unconditional and enthusiastic support
“There was some grudging applause at the final curtain, but I got the feeling it was more for the sake of form, rather than actual enjoyment.”
Opposite of calm and unruffled
Opposite of exhibiting passion and enthusiasm
“The author's works were mediocre and could only attract an apathetic readership.”
Opposite of passionately motivated to achieve one's goals
“Steven was mostly apathetic when it came to working towards his stated goals.”
Opposite of determined or passionate in one's beliefs, interests or endeavors
“Julia had set many goals for herself but appeared indifferent when it came to achieving them.”
Opposite of intense and starkly realistic
Related Words and Phrases