Opposite of prepared to obey others unquestioningly
Opposite of accepting or allowing what happens or what others do, without active response or resistance
Opposite of readily conforming to the authority or will of others
“The women's defiant attitude was the greatest surprise to the authorities who expected tears, supplication and general weakness.”
Opposite of lacking sufficient power or strength
Opposite of exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed
“Superman may be invulnerable against physical attacks, but he has a weakness to Kryptonite.”
Opposite of willing to accept or agree to something without objection or resistance
“He was resistant at first, but soon became a careful dresser and appreciative of his wife's flair for interior design.”
Opposite of lacking in confidence, assertiveness or self-assurance
“It has also been suggested that consumers who complain tend to be more self-confident and assertive.”
Opposite of weak in character or will
Related Words and Phrases