Opposite of feeling annoyed, frustrated or worried about something
Opposite of feeling upset, annoyed or angry
Opposite of feeling angry or annoyed
“Her quiet words and calm demeanor reminded him more of their time as friends than this rivalry they now had going on.”
Opposite of full of anger or hatred
“Their mother was at the center of their world and her warm loving nature provided a sense of security despite the lack of a father.”
Opposite of suffering from frustration or dissatisfaction
“In the days when I posted regularly, I felt satisfied I was getting my views off my chest.”
(tired of) Opposite of bored or fed up with
“Employers will eventually cotton on to why you appear to be so engrossed in your work.”
Opposite of not given to showing emotion or feelings
Opposite of showing anger easily or customarily
“A friendly staff member is happy to help you quench your thirst by bringing you a drink from the fully stocked bar.”
Opposite of past tense for to irritate or upset, typically with repeated or unpleasant acts
“To console myself, I read and re-read your letters while daydreaming about the future.”
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