Opposite of hard-working, determined and diligent
“The workers are lazy indolent villains and the leaders are intelligent, hardworking visionaries.”
Opposite of busy or involving much activity
“We walked in and observed inactive workers sitting around and chatting with each other.”
Opposite of indefatigable or extremely persistent
Opposite of having or showing eagerness or enthusiasm towards an activity
“I was just a casual follower of tennis, but a fanatic enthusiast of basketball.”
Opposite of preoccupied with something to the exclusion of everything else
Opposite of having or showing boldness, ambition and initiative in achieving a goal
Opposite of having or indicating an efficient, practical, and systematic approach to one's work or a task
(of a plan or piece of work) Opposite of difficult to achieve, requiring great effort or ability
“For those who want to keep their grilling simple and fun, Weber has just released two new cookbooks filled with quick and easy recipes.”
Opposite of busy or occupied with business, work, or other activities
“I'm free, so I can do what I want, any old time!”
Opposite of providing a reasonable or high degree of benefit
“Talking over each other is unproductive. Someone must yield the floor and there's no crime in you being that person.”
Opposite of being in a healthy and functional state
“His faculties were still ailing after having endured multiple concussions during his sporting career.”
Related Words and Phrases