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What is the opposite of feverish?

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Opposite of having or showing the symptoms of a fever, as characterized by a high temperature
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Opposite of characterized by, or displaying, frenetic excitement or energy
Opposite of wildly excited or uncontrolled due to worry or fear
Opposite of characterized by fierce or chaotic energy or force
“A relaxed but buoyant atmosphere sustained by well-tempered music and the interior design neat and elegant.”
Opposite of not in good health
“After recovering from a terrible bout of flu, I now feel well again.”
Opposite of full of fervor
“He reached the construction site where he stopped his jog, slowing to a casual walk.”
Opposite of significant or extreme in degree or intensity
“In spite of her frugal spendings, Eva only had a moderate urge to shop, preferring instead to use her time to upkeep her house.”
(of a feeling or emotion) Opposite of showing a heartfelt and powerful intensity
“There is an instant change from mild anger and heavy annoyance to startled astonishment and disbelief.”
Opposite of having a reddish skin tone, suggestive of good health of negative emotions
Opposite of marked intense, animated, or violent activity
“Formerly they were civil and kind, and we all got on famously together.”
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