Opposite of having a strong lustful desire
Opposite of having or encouraging an excessive interest in lustful matters
Opposite of relating to sexuality or sensuality
Opposite of to be overcome by lust or aroused
“May was unimpressed by his advances, and gave him a look of disdain.”
Opposite of arousing primal urges
“I used to be a big fan of hers, but now I'm just disappointed with her politics and totally unarousing book.”
Opposite of lacking in morals or chastity
“Over the decades, his choice of roles has defined the perception we have of him as a decent, even righteous, man of honour.”
Opposite of feeling aroused on a primal level
“The waiting game continued through college, where she acquired an unfair reputation for being frigid because she refused to sleep with any of the men she dated.”
Opposite of relating to or characterized by luxury or hedonistic pleasure
Opposite of tending to provoke a strong primal desire
“I didn't think he could wear anything more unflattering than what he wore yesterday, but I have been proven wrong.”
Opposite of having connotations of amorous desires
“He wanted to take their relationship to the next level, but conversely, she was happy for it to remain platonic.”
Opposite of titillating in nature
“She found his smelly feet to be rather repulsive.”
Related Words and Phrases