Opposite of characterized by severe self-discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence
“With his love of good food, whisky, and cigars, Wingate enjoyed a sybaritic lifestyle to the full.”
Opposite of very plain in appearance
“With his ostentatious appearance, the little princess would probably get the news about him.”
Opposite of of or pertaining to the Puritans, or to their doctrines and practice
Opposite of deliberately plain in design or appearance due to an emphasis on function
Opposite of having no additional decoration or embellishment
Opposite of shunning the company of others
Opposite of showing self-restraint or abstemious moderation
Opposite of austere, frugal, characterized by self-denial
Opposite of abstaining from sexual activity
Opposite of a person who follows an ascetic life
“Is there any space for ideas like honor, responsibility, and service in a hedonist or Epicurean philosophy?”
Opposite of a person who lives a solitary life as a philosophy or religion
Opposite of one who abstains from something
Opposite of a person who is excessively modest, prim or moralistic
Related Words and Phrases