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What is the opposite of undeviating?

Need antonyms for undeviating? Here's a list of opposite words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.

Opposite of that does not deviate, veer or turn aside
Opposite of having or showing determination or resolve
Opposite of constant or continuing on a repeated or regular basis
Opposite of strict or exacting in standards
Opposite of being the straightest and most direct way to a point or end
“The group voted to stop at the zoo, forcing Mark to drive the indirect route to their destination.”
Opposite of continuing in the same direction without bending
“A winding road slopes downhill through a thicket of trees before looping once around a tiny manmade lake.”
Opposite of passionately motivated to achieve one's goals
“Steven was mostly apathetic when it came to working towards his stated goals.”
Opposite of treated or regarded with a devotion and scrupulousness appropriate to worship
Opposite of corresponding with the original word for word
“This adherence may go along with a very broad or loose account of what the retributive theory is.”
Opposite of continuing over a (usually extended) period of time
“The company's financial problems were just a temporary blip.”
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