Opposite of marked by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt
“Each greeting is accompanied by a great deal of genuine laughter and joyousness.”
(generous) Opposite of characterized by the use of wit, especially to offend
(mild) Opposite of characterized by the use of wit, especially to offend
Opposite of involving the use of sarcasm or wit
Opposite of using or expressing dry, especially mocking, humor
Opposite of derisive or contemptuous in nature
Opposite of tending to, or intended to, disparage or belittle
Opposite of harshly sarcastic or satirical in nature
“It started with a tweet which turned into a mild piece of fake news.”
(of a joke or sense of humour) Opposite of subtle and expressed in a matter-of-fact way
“His comedic style was rather ostentatious and was not to everyone's taste.”
Opposite of disdainfully or ironically humorous
“The Joker had a habit of sarcastically asking his victims why they were so serious.”
Opposite of inclined to find fault too readily
Opposite of having or showing a tendency to be easily annoyed or angered
Opposite of rather rude, curt or abrupt in speech or manner
Opposite of bitingly or humorously intelligent in nature
“He had the wit of a dead fish and constantly delivered retorts that were banal and clichéd.”
Related Words and Phrases