(somewhat informal) Feeling more euphoric, typically from the effects of narcotics or alcohol
“I got higher than before after slightly increasing my usual dose.”
Opposite of comparative for serious, grave or solemn in nature
“Forgive me for being facetious in these desperately serious times, but sometimes ridicule is the only release from anger.”
Opposite of comparative for calm in manner or disposition
“A lone wolf howled miserably, followed closely by a volley of agitated barks.”
Opposite of comparative for not excessively bright, flashy or showy
“The garish jackets and flamboyant ties were out in force as a massive crowd packed the city to celebrate his life.”
Opposite of comparative for based on, or displaying, common sense
“I have also heard a lot of groundless and irrational fears that have stemmed from scaremongers.”
Opposite of comparative for given to or marked by restraint or moderation
“The Noble Lord attributed all that lavish and immoderate expenditure to the baneful influence of Universal Suffrage.”
Related Words and Phrases