Opposite of a highly intelligent person
“He and his partner continue to thuggishly interrogate the local townsmen, attempting to pin the crime on the local town dunce.”
Opposite of high intellectual capacity
“The reality stars have almost squandered a quarter of a million dollars through sheer stupidity.”
Opposite of exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability
“There was no skill with the long sword, and Jash wielded the broadsword with shocking incompetence.”
Opposite of an affection or proclivity for a person, activity or thing
“Later their son was to display a similar disinclination to lengthy relationships.”
Opposite of a tendency or disposition to do something or behave in a certain way
Opposite of a person who is experienced (and skilled) at a certain activity
Opposite of the process or manifestation of objectifying (something)
Opposite of a person or thing regarded as the finest or most important in their sphere or group
“Grant used to be someone of importance, but he has shelved his notoriety to become a nobody.”
Opposite of the general character or nature of someone or something
Opposite of the capacity of the mind to acquire and apply knowledge and skills
Opposite of the act of having an elevated stimulus upon one's intellect, emotion or creativity
“I am sometimes struck by periods of uninspiredness as an artist, but it rarely lasts.”
Opposite of a wonderful or very remarkable person or thing
“We were expecting something spectacular, but it turned out to be nothing in the end.”
Opposite of the state of being creative
Opposite of a person who is highly regarded by the greater society
Opposite of an attribute of a thing or person
“Entrepreneurs were seen as chancers, but the stigma of setting up a business and risking failure has lessened.”
Opposite of one who solves problems
Opposite of the quality or skill of being innovative
“Listening to this album, I discovered depths of bad music, bad programming, and unoriginality I never even knew existed.”
Opposite of the combination of characteristics or qualities forming one's distinctive character
Opposite of fast, nimble or dextrous in movement
Opposite of very intellectually capable
Opposite of involving the use of innovation or imagination during the process of creation
Opposite of having or showing great knowledge or learning
Opposite of displaying a creative streak for a given activity
Opposite of profound in awareness or understanding
“Owen only ever engaged in superficial thoughts and ideas that were shaped by the mainstream.”
Related Words and Phrases