Opposite of a small area on a surface having a different color from its surroundings, typically one caused by damage or dirt
Opposite of a visual symbol or emblem that acts as a trademark or a means of identification
Opposite of a significant impression or influence from an event or occurrence
Opposite of a mark, typically from physical trauma or damage
Opposite of a standard by which something is evaluated or measured
Opposite of a person who is a target or victim of nefarious acts or abuse
Opposite of a thing serving as a visible or tangible representation of a fact, quality, feeling, etc.
Opposite of a tiny dot or spot
Opposite of a trace or remnant of something that is disappearing or no longer exists
Opposite of a person or thing that is the object of ridicule or criticism
Opposite of a victim of deception or chicanery
Opposite of a consequence or ensuing result of some action
Opposite of a nick made on something in order to keep a score or record
Opposite of a quality or feature regarded as a characteristic or inherent part of someone or something
“A disturbing nonfeature of many schools in this country is toilets.”
Opposite of the consequence brought about by a particular event
“The inconsequentiality of the evidence brought forward against the defendant has been a complete waste of the court's time.”
Opposite of an object or feature that is easily seen and used to establish one's location
An attribute of a thing or person
“Luke possesses the quality of selflessness which helps bring his team-mates into the game.”
Opposite of a sign or piece of information that indicates something
Opposite of a standard by which something is judged or compared
Opposite of a symbol representing a letter or number
“Use a reliable thesaurus to find a suitable synonym for a word.”
Opposite of an aim or goal that one sets out to achieve
“The pointlessness of this endeavor is echoed by the lack of reward for such an arduous effort.”
Opposite of the object or goal of something
“Warnings on cigarette packets serve as a deterrent to would-be smokers.”
Opposite of an individual stage within a succession of changes, stages, or degrees
Opposite of the reason for which something or someone is used or suited for
“The uselessness of the company's health and safety policy has caused many to lose faith in their products.”
Opposite of a character representing one or more of the sounds used in speech
Opposite of the name or trademark of a fashion company
“I'd suggest you buy the generic brand as you get the same product for a fraction of the cost.”
Opposite of a person or thing that is the object of ridicule or criticism
“He seemingly forgets that he is the antagonizer and the one who indeed causes the most trouble on chat.”
Opposite of a mark impressed on a surface
Opposite of a high standard by which others are measured
Opposite of to indicate in some way for later reference
Opposite of to notice or pay careful attention to
Opposite of to blemish, scratch, or stain with a mark
Opposite of to cover with drops or spots of something
Opposite of to form a deep recess or notch in a line or surface
Opposite of to write or carve (words or symbols) on something
Opposite of to direct one's gaze
“Trying to remain inconspicuous, she would avert any passersby as she walked through the city.”
Opposite of to cause to be dirty or soiled
Opposite of to make a long, deep cut in
Opposite of to be a sign or indication of
Opposite of to distinguish or identify (as) the distinctive nature or features of
Opposite of to attach a label to
“You should remove your luggage tags once you exit the airport.”
Opposite of to classify as
“The US Fish and Wildlife Service will decide next month whether to declassify the bald eagle as a threatened species.”
(something) Opposite of to take into account before making a judgment call
“I recommend that everyone disregard his lies and untruths before the court and find him guilty.”
Opposite of to characterize or depict the nature of
“Milly did everything in her power to distort the image of the perpetrator so that she could protect her father.”
Opposite of to mark or fix the limits of
Opposite of to give a specified name or description to
“They made a conscientious effort to delabel those who are marginalized.”
Opposite of to note or record in writing
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