Opposite of remaining loyal and steadfast
Opposite of true to the facts or the original
(inaccurate) Opposite of accurate or correct in all details
“Did you feel in the storytelling there were any particularly glaring omissions or otherwise historically inaccurate stuff?”
(falsidical) Opposite of accurate or correct in all details
Opposite of morally good, virtuous or honorable
Opposite of free from flaws, defects or errors
Opposite of firmly established and unlikely to change, especially of a habit or belief
Opposite of devoutly or closely following the precepts, practices or doctrines of a religion
Opposite of having a very close or intimate relationship
Opposite of like a living being, resembling life, giving an accurate representation
Opposite of loyal, reliable, and hard-working
Opposite of committed to a religion or the practice of said religion
Opposite of following carefully and exactly a set of rules
“James was merely a casual follower of his professed religion, not being one to strictly adhere to its tenets.”
Opposite of of, characterized by, or consisting of (incontrovertible) facts
“The proposal submitted to the board was not accepted with a number of questionable recommendations to be interrogated.”
Opposite of concerned with what is actually the case (based on facts)
“The Curmudgeon is a satirical column based on fictitious characters in a mythical village.”
Opposite of having pledged oneself to a particular belief or course of action
“He stands untrammeled and uncommitted to any faction.”
Opposite of complying or willing to comply with an order or request
Opposite of producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind
“As the conversation progressed, Alice felt a vague sense of unease, since she reluctantly found herself believing that Abhay's point made some sense.”
Opposite of denotes a constructive or productive feeling
“As a result of their unproductive response, we were unable to attain the information required to proceed.”
Opposite of very pragmatic or realistic, lacking emotion or artificiality
Opposite of characterized by a close or warm personal relationship
“She has a distant relationship with her children's father, dates occasionally, and otherwise has few friends that she sees or talks to with any frequency.”
Opposite of participating or engaged in a positive or spontaneous way
“He has been an uninvolved participant in our rowing activities for several weeks now.”
Opposite of done with or showing thought and attention
“Goldfinger met his doom because of his careless underestimation of Sansa Stark.”
Opposite of firmly established and difficult or unlikely to change
Opposite of having or including many small details or features
“Alexa, give me a summarized report on the development of my shares!”
Opposite of having a good reputation and well respected
(of a person) Opposite of tending to work with diligence and commitment
“They may see themselves as stupid or lazy, rather than as capable in some areas and struggling in others.”
Opposite of based on, or displaying, common sense
“Just as there are effective traditional medical practices based on groundless theories, there can be effective evolved educational practices with dubious theoretical backing.”
Related Words and Phrases