Opposite of singled out from a group as being of high quality or being catered to a particular taste
“It was our nonpreferred choice, but it was the only one remaining.”
Opposite of having exquisite qualities that appeal to a refined taste
“Meals offered at the restaurant were of inferior quality and the selection extremely poor.”
Opposite of only used by or consisting of a privileged group
“Impaired judgment may take the form of diminished concern for the future, increased risk-taking, unrestrained drinking of alcohol, and indiscriminate selection of food.”
Opposite of elegant or stylishly luxurious
“He stayed in a modest hotel and economized on his meals, eating a piece of bread and some beans for his most substantial meal.”
Opposite of specially chosen as the best or most desirable
Opposite of of or related to a clan
Opposite of having an air of class or luxury, especially due to being costly
“We are in a cheap restaurant in a middle-of-nowhere town in Nevada that just happens to have one, unassailable attraction.”
Opposite of unusually good or remarkable
“I'm just an ordinary woman, living a regular life with a normal family, and married to an extraordinary husband.”
Opposite of deserving of high praise or laudation
Opposite of exclusive to, or for, someone, something or a group
“Once payment has been accepted, you will then get unrestricted access to all the facilities at this gym.”
Opposite of singled out from a number or group
“We hope all the artists, chosen and unchosen, get a boost in sales from the appearance on the show.”
Opposite of belonging to, or characteristic of, the aristocracy
Opposite of limited in extent, amount, or scope
“The seminar would cover a rather broad spectrum of topics.”
Opposite of graceful and stylish in appearance
“Cal snorted in an extremely unladylike and inelegant way before she spoke to her girlfriend.”
Opposite of sophisticated in a way that is intended to impress
“I just need some plain utensils for everyday use.”
Opposite of used to emphasize that something belongs to a particular person
“We all know of couples who share a common distaste for certain things and, indeed, seem to share only that.”
Opposite of pleasant and satisfactory, especially to the mind or senses
“The layout of the apartment was bad, and the kitchen was too small.”
Opposite of superseding others in importance or status
“His punches were weak and slow, and I can claim with confidence that he was the worst boxer that I had ever seen.”
Opposite of having special rights, advantages, or immunities
“They have spent years lavishing their love on scores of disadvantaged and special needs children.”
Opposite of to choose from a set of options
“This matters little if I am at liberty simply to ignore all the choices offered to me.”
Opposite of to select for a given role or responsibility
Opposite of to identify or select something from a range of options
Opposite of to make a choice from a range of possibilities
Opposite of to (officially) decide on or establish something
“Harry's deliberate actions was a severe shock to Brian's sensitive and affectionate nature and seemed for a time to unsettle his plans and mar his hopes.”
Opposite of to select or designate for a role or activity
Opposite of to stipulate action to be taken as an order or instruction
Opposite of to decide definitely in favor of (one of two or more possibilities)
“Many oppose the cause of temperance because they know nothing or nearly nothing of it.”
Opposite of to select (someone or something) from a range of possibilities
“Vegetables are something I disprefer over having a nice juicy steak.”
Opposite of to make a choice, especially for a given job, position or role
“The council did give Bishop Diomid a last chance to repent, and if he does, the decision to strip him of his position will not go into force.”
Opposite of to establish or make a determination on the nature of someone or something
“Many people mistake the endangered water vole for the brown rat and accidentally poison them or disturb their burrows.”
Opposite of to decide on an option (from a range of options)
Opposite of to decide on and announce
“Passengers will be allowed to change or cancel the date of travel without penalty up until 24 hours prior to travel.”
Opposite of to separate or isolate
Opposite of to focus on or give precedence to
“The official government line continued to trivialize the issue of pollution maintaining.”
Opposite of to reach a decision or recommendation
“Over the next year, he would dither back and forth over his relationship with Peggy while the affair wound down.”
Opposite of the best or most desirable among a category, kind or class
“People say they are the worst of society, the ones who stain our society, who want to kill and rob us.”
Related Words and Phrases