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What is the opposite of literal?

Need antonyms for literal? Here's a list of opposite words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.

Opposite of exactly as stated, word-for-word
Opposite of free from exaggeration or distortion
Opposite of unsentimental in manner or treatment
Opposite of exact in correspondence or adherence to something
“For the kids, the rules can probably be adhered to in a loose manner.”
Opposite of very pragmatic or realistic, lacking emotion or artificiality
Opposite of real or genuine, in accordance with the truth, facts or standards
“The illusory aim of this form of government is the equal distribution of wealth to its people.”
Opposite of precise or strict in meaning
“The broad interpretation of the rule has led to much confusion.”
Opposite of spoken or presented in a manner that is frank and honest
“It is typical of the company to provide vague and ambiguous instructions, leaving many users to interpret what they should be doing.”
(of literature) Opposite of something which is incorrect or inaccurate
“He made a correction to one of the answers before submitting his paper for assessment.”
Opposite of an aspect of something that is not accurate
Opposite of an error, especially one in a printed work
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