Opposite of a nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government
“There is much conjecture on the ownership of unclaimed land bordering the two nations.”
Opposite of a dirty or untidy condition
“The neatness of public facilities in the area was unusual for a location notorious for issues with litterbugs.”
Opposite of an agitated or anxious condition
“The ocean always seemed to bring her a sense of calmness and happiness whenever life threw her a curveball.”
Opposite of high social status or position
“He exudes an air of unimportance, perhaps to lull others into a false sense of security.”
Opposite of a particular state, period, or condition in life
Opposite of a difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation
Opposite of a state of nervous excitement, confusion, or distress
Opposite of an area of land under the jurisdiction of a ruler or state
Opposite of a country or state
“A non-ecumene that is not currently settled by anybody, may receive immigrants and become by definition part of the ecumene.”
Opposite of the way in which a person lives
“I had to make a split with my old way of life as it was proving to be detrimental to my life.”
(mumble) Opposite of to express something definitely or clearly in speech or writing
“I heard her mumble something under her breath as she was escorted out of the building.”
(suppress) Opposite of to express something definitely or clearly in speech or writing
“He has made a concerted effort to suppress information that others seek to have openly published.”
(mislead) Opposite of to express something definitely or clearly in speech or writing
“The defendant has done everything in his power to mislead and pervert the course of justice.”
Opposite of to state explicitly
Opposite of to make an assertion without proof
Opposite of to state assertively or emphatically
Opposite of to offer for discussion or debate
Opposite of to specify or require as a condition
Opposite of to assume or consider that something is true or correct
Opposite of to present formally for discussion or consideration
“The politician would recant his statement when it caused a public outcry.”
Opposite of to give an account of
“Stay awhile and listen!”
Opposite of to state a fact or belief confidently and forcefully
“Some theorists speculate that the universe will end in a big crunch when everything collapses in on itself.”
Opposite of to precisely state or describe the nature, scope, or meaning of
“Elymas, whose name means astrologer, opposed them and tried to distort the meaning of the faith so that the governor wouldn't believe.”
Opposite of to convey or express in a particular way or manner
“I understand that you don't quite agree with that?”
Opposite of to make a remark based on one's observation
“She wanted to put forward her opinion, but she would clam up for fear of judgment.”
Opposite of to convey or express in a particular way or manner
“The artist, generalizing from the facts of experience, combines concrete symbols absurdly so as to nonsensify pragmatic reality.”
Opposite of to utter words using speech
“You must be quiet when the interviewer asks you not to say anything.”
Opposite of to give reasons or cite evidence in support of an idea, action, or theory
“The law provides for the reduction of penalties, as long as the taxpayer will agree to fully accept the charges laid.”
Opposite of pomp and ceremony associated with the monarchy or high levels of government
“It was just an informal address to the nation to assure everyone that the Queen was well after her fall.”
Opposite of relating to the regions of a country rather than the capital
Opposite of relating to the government or public affairs of a country
Opposite of of, or provided by, the state rather than an independent, commercial company
“They now have to lease the trains that they use, principally from three private companies.”
Opposite of characteristic of, or related to, a particular nation
“The international agency polices the development of atomic energy facilities.”
Opposite of relating to a government
Opposite of denoting or consisting of worldly objects rather than something timeless
Related Words and Phrases