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What is the opposite of locate?

Need antonyms for locate? Here's a list of opposite words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.

Opposite of to discover, typically the exact place or position of
Opposite of to situate in a particular place
Opposite of to fix or put into place
“Unscrew the two bolts that hold the slot bracket and then carefully remove the graphics card.”
Opposite of to position or place something in a particular place or spot
“Callie, did you move my keys? I have to get to work!”
Opposite of to establish or make a determination on the nature of someone or something
“Many people mistake the endangered water vole for the brown rat and accidentally poison them or disturb their burrows.”
Opposite of to discover or locate something, either by chance or intention
“To misplace a presidential badge of office for a couple of days may be unfortunate.”
Opposite of to find unexpectedly or during a search
“It always amazes me how anybody can overlook the basic truths about this nation.”
Opposite of to place or position someone or something
Opposite of to send a message, person or object to a given place or location
“I thought I would receive my mail today, but it appears to be delayed.”
(idiomatic) Opposite of to come into one's possession, usually unexpectedly
“Through a lack of financial acumen, he would eventually lose most of his wealth.”
Opposite of to learn or discover, especially through studying or searching
“She tried to hide all evidence of her crime.”
Opposite of to put securely in place or in the desired position
“You may unfasten your seatbelt once the plane has come to a complete stop.”
Opposite of to place or set apart two or more items allowing for space in between
“He took incredible pains to join the two parts together, which he did at length so effectually, that it was used as if it had been whole.”
Opposite of to go after or on the track of, especially through the use of clues
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