Opposite of to assist or be willing to assist in the work or affairs of others
Opposite of to join or collaborate with others for a common goal or purpose
Opposite of to comply with the requests or demands of others
Opposite of to act in concert with others, typically underhandedly
Opposite of to work jointly on an activity or project
“While Cantrell claimed that he wanted to work solo for some time, his comments in the magazine stated otherwise.”
Opposite of to discuss or have talks in order to reach an agreement or compromise
Opposite of to participate or become involved in
Opposite of to adopt, obey, or conform to given rules or laws
Opposite of to achieve through negotiation
“Cruz would refuse any suggestions to budge on his stance of moving up a weight division for the second time in two outings.”
Opposite of to settle a dispute by mutual concession
“We constantly argue instead of attempting to compromise?”
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