Opposite of to confound or perplex someone
Opposite of to frustrate or prevent (someone) from achieving an aim
Opposite of to confuse or confound with something surprising or shocking
“Perhaps someone out there could enlighten me with regard to the following situation that my 17-year-old son finds himself in.”
Opposite of to confound or perplex someone
Opposite of to cause to lose orientation or direction
Opposite of to be impossible to understand
“Everything would make sense once it was explained to us.”
Opposite of to prevent (hopes or expectations) from being realized
“Hitherto Smith had seen many places along the coast, from Monhegan Island southward, that could fulfill his dreams and ambition.”
Opposite of to be forgotten by
“I've forgotten several important people. It will eventually come to me.”
Opposite of to discourage or overwhelm
“She says my goals and aspirations inspire her, and frankly, I want to be worthy of her admiration.”
Opposite of to avoid (something undesirable) by luck or skill
“Blok was forced not only to confront his own mortality now that his father had recently died but also his growing anachronism as a poet.”
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